Sunday, February 05, 2006

Beware Party Spirit

To encourage Independent political thought in NW Arkansas, this blog is committed.

In his Farewell Address, George Washington addressed many points of political interest relevant to this day.

Washington held that the Constitution must always be held as the ultimate law of the land in preserving the union, and that the responsibility for its adherence rests squarely upon the people, for it is their Constitution. He emphasized that great zeal and diligence should be exercised in its protection and preservation and that the usurpation of rightful authority and jurisdiction would be a constant threat from the enemies of America, primarily, domestic. Changes, if needed, should be deliberative, consistent...and actually needed, not founded upon man's whim or ever changing opinions.

Washington also warned extensively of the dangers associated with political parties and other such associations. These warnings...are of such accuracy, extent and importance, one can only marvel at his insight and propheticalness.

Had I been instructed in his wisdom as a child, or more relevantly as a young adult, I would never have aligned myself with any political party. I can only encourage those interested, to read Washington's Farewell Address, slowly, deliberatively...and prayerfully, to determine your future course of action...and association or affiliation.

As an Independent I stand with no group or organization, save those who choose to freely and temporarily affiliate with me for my candidacy. I trust, and expect, that our affiliation will only be maintained so long as I represent their concerns and desires for this country better and more faithfully than another. Their and my allegiance is not, nor should it be, to a party; but to ideas, standards, values and yearnings that are held in common. If I were to depart from those things jointly held, I would expect no further support from them, and would justly deserve none. Their and my obligation is not to a party or person, but only to what is right.

Imagine if you can, races with no political party affiliation; candidates running on issues and having to stand solely on their individual merits.

While some dismiss the idea as being something akin to political anarchy, they need to be identified for who they are; Political party operatives with vested interests in the preservation of party identity and power. They are fearful and warn of massive ballots and the political platforms given to the "unqualified"...yet, does not the Constitution set the qualifications for candidates? Are the political parties the sole, or even best, guardians of our political process? Could they, and their exclusivity, be responsible for the problems we now have? Do they not trust the American people to be able to weed out the crazies? With proper education, and the free press we enjoy in America, the public will make short work of the crackpots, thereby allowing the political cream to rise to the top - which is the real fear of our current political parties.

Please note that I make my comments fully aware of the political realities of today, and the resistance from most to these ideas... But have you read Washington? You will find our current political troubles identified, defined and with solutions someone intimately acquainted with how our government is actually supposed to be run.

Loose associations, for limited time and scope will always occur, and rightfully so; but the continued allegiance afforded someone with a particular "brand" should not be a part of our political system.

Washington also rightly held that religion, most specifically Christianity, along with its accompanying morality, were indispensable supports of the political prosperity of a country. He even went so far as to say "In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens."

I fully concur and would expand only by adding these words of John Adams - "Religion and virtue are the only foundations...of republicanism and of all free governments." - "The idea of [religious] infidelity cannot be treated with too much resentment or too much horror. The man who can think of it with patience is a traitor in his heart and ought to be execrated (detested) as one who adds the deepest hypocrisy to the blackest treason." - "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

Now, does this mean I am calling those who would eliminate prayer and the Ten Commandments from the civic process and public display, along with those who oppose prayer and Bible classes in public schools, unpatriotic traitors? Yes! - and I am in good company.

What about you?


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