Saturday, August 04, 2007

Arrested for having UNREGISTERED BIBLES...

Fayetteville, AR:

ight law enforcement agencies headed by Federal BATF Agents descended on the home of a friend of mine and placed him under arrest for having in his possession three handwritten, unregistered and untaxed Bibles and an unregistered copy of John MacArthur’s book “Reckless Faith – When the Church Loses Its Will To Discern”. It is rumored that my friend also had in his possession unregistered copies of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Ass. U.S. Attorney Wendy Johnson filed motions asking U.S. District judge Jimm L. Hendren to prevent my friend and his attorney from arguing that his arrest was a violation of the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment. Hendren granted the motion.

Hendren cited a 1984 federal law that made it illegal for U.S. citizens to have in their possession unregistered and untaxed Bibles, religious writings and copies of any documents that include or support the philosophies contained in the Declaration and Constitution.

Recent judicial rulings have determined that the 1984 federal law used by Ass. U.S. Attorney Wendy Johnson and U.S. District judge Jimm L. Hendren, despite actually saying so, prohibits the public from having most “religious” and/or “patriotic” books and documents in their possession unless they first purchase a license and pay the prescribed tax for that privilege.

Local religious and political leaders were contacted for comment. Most did not know of the case, and didn’t care. Those that were aware of the case refused comment, using Constitutional illiteracy as their affirmative defense.

My friend has subsequently been “tried”, in the kangaroo sense of the term, and is now serving six years in prison.

OK, OK… I substituted Bibles for guns and used the First Amendment instead of the Second Amendment for this parody. So… what’s the Constitutional difference?

Free Wayne Fincher!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what you don't know about Jimm Larry Hendren and how he was brought up is alot. Your comments are just not believable to me.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Dale Morfey said...

Anonymous - Facts are stubborn things.

4:22 PM  

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