Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Censorship - Not a dirty word.

The premise supporting the idea of censorship is the (r)epublican principle that local communities, through their representatives, have the right, responsibility and authority, under the Constitution of these United States, to establish the standards of conduct (laws) of their respective communities and the right to enforce them. While there are specific areas immune to censorship, specifically those unalienable rights endowed by our Creator mentioned in the Declaration of Independence and those specifically enumerated in the Constitution, those areas do NOT, nor have they ever, legitimately included that which is lewd and lascivious, profane, obscene, libelous, immoral and/or base.

While government should not be in the business of trying to impose virtue and morality upon it's citizens, it should not be hostile to the virtuous and moral standards desired and sought by them. Encouraging and fostering virtue within the American people has from the beginning of this Republic been recognized as a legitimate role of the American government. Providing safe haven for the base elements of a community has never been recognized as a proper function of government, yet today is lauded as being the more "enlightened". The liberal and libertarian elements of the United States confuse the improper abuse of government in imposing values with the legitimate encouraging, fostering and protecting element of government of those values chosen by its citizens.

"A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second; that second for a third; and so on, till the bulk of the society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sin and suffering." - Thomas Jefferson 1816

The usurpation of the Constitution, primarily by the American judiciary, has created a cancerous representation of what the government of the United States is suppose to be, and that civic/political sickness caused by the judiciary may in reality be that which kills this once great "Nation under God", America. Through judicial whim and abuse, our laws, legal precedent, form of government and the peoples will have been laid waste.

A simple exercise will confirm the above immediate statements. List the top three social issues facing the American people today. While these lists may vary slightly from person to person, as many times as I have asked this be done, 100% of those issues listed were those created by judicial misconduct and abuse - judicial activism - without exception.

The fear mongering over the issue of censorship, while understandable, is disheartening because it shows the abject deterioration of reason and the working, functioning intellect of the American people. The public school educrats, the ACLU types and big government advocates, in league with the illegitimate judiciary, have succeeded in convincing the American people that by controlling their own communities standards of decency, THEY are somehow the fascists! Politically correct thought, politically correct brainwashing, has been so effectively inculcated into the American society by these groups that specious and fabricated argument now has the same, if not more, credibility than Law, History, Precedent and Reason.

Local control of community standards has in the past been a bulwark of American civic practice and community. That apparently is no more. The most base and immoral now enjoy the protections that traditionally were afforded the virtuous, morally upright and upstanding. Those who desire a community that is not openly hostile to God with traditional morals and virtue, now apparently must aid and abet those moral reprobates who despise long standing traditional values. And why? Because if they don't, an elitist and immoral judiciary will illegally force them to do so, all the while condemning them for " forcing their morality" upon others in violation of some conjured principle they subscribe to, and have "found" hidden between the words of the Constitution.

While some agree that something must be done to restore virtue and morality to our American society, the means by which that restoration takes place is a matter of contention. Whatever the means, this restoration must be encouraged and permitted to take place within communities desiring to establish community standards of conduct and morality.

Liberals and libertarians advocate what is best described as an "isolationist" solution. Everyone retreats within their own lives (or families), exercises what they call "personal censorship", and leaves everyone else to do their own thing, to the detriment of the community as a whole. The liberals and libertarians sometimes voice concern over what is happening, but in actual practice, are unwilling to do anything of a corrective nature. In addressing what I see as the epitome of the "isolationist" solution (the " If it offends you, don't buy it" philosophy), Robert H. Bork in his book "Slouching Towards Gomorrah" (ReganBooks, HarperCollins Publishers, pg.151) makes this observation, "[If it offends you, don't buy it]-is both lulling and destructive. Whether you buy it or not, you will be greatly affected by those who do. The aesthetic and moral environment in which you and your family live will be coarsened and degraded. Economists call the effects an activity has on others 'externalities'; why so many of them (liberals and libertarians) do not understand the externalities here is a mystery." I differ with Mr. Bork on his last comment. I believe liberals and libertarians DO understand, they just don't care.

"Self-love... is the sole antagonist of virtue, leading us constantly by our propensities to self-gratification in violation of our moral duties to others. ... Take from man his selfish propensities, and he can have nothing to seduce him from the practice of virtue. Or subdue those propensities by education, instruction or restraint, and virtue remains without a competitor." - Thomas Jefferson 1814

The willingness of both liberals and libertarians to not only tolerate, but in some cases defend base licentiousness, equating that licentiousness with legitimate liberty, makes them a part of the problem. One can only hope and pray that one day enough Americans will have the courage to "Just Say NO" to these things, and these people, who are destroying our once great nation.

Reasonable and circumspect censorship, based upon traditional Judeo/Christian principles, faithfully served the American society for many generations, and could again. Without enforceable action or strict adherence to voluntary censorship, the morally reprobate will continue thumbing their noses at the rest of society, laughing at their impotence and lack
of will.


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