Saturday, February 18, 2006

Homosexuality and Lesbianism

It was not so long ago that discussions about homosexuality and lesbianism were considered impolite. I pray that, once again, that will be the case.

The most disturbing aspect of debate on this issue is the apparent unwillingness of those who know better, to stand against sexual deviancy for the right reason – it is immoral.

Contrary to the politically correct notions of this day, persons are in fact capable of morally disqualifying themselves from normal societal considerations. Practicing, open homosexuals and lesbians, like open adulterers and pedophiles, are morally disqualified from acceptance in any civilized, polite and correct thinking society.

Homosexuality is a clear abomination before Almighty God and mankind alike. It is a detestable, degenerate and depraved crime of such magnitude, no civilized society dare claim it as being "normal", except to hazard total ruination.

In America's first law book, author Zephaniah Swift sounded this warning: "This crime, tho repugnant to every sentiment of decency and delicacy, is very prevalent in corrupt and debauched countries where the low pleasures of sensuality and luxury have depraved the mind and degraded the appetite below the brutal creation."

How would Swift rate this country today?

Base, debauched, reprobate and thoroughly immoral lifestyles and practices must be opposed strenuously, consistently and courageously. That is the only right thing to do.


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