Thursday, October 05, 2006

"Just Cause"... is just

My recently published advocacy of a “Just Cause” (JC) standard over the current “At Will” (AW) standard for dismissal of employees have some thinking I have departed from principles I advocated during my run for Congress as an Independent. Not a chance!

JC embodies the highest of American ideals - proper, thoughtful and “just” action for legitimate, definable and specific “cause”.

AW, on the other hand, is a complete departure from American ideals and embraces totalitarian and socialistic principles. AW lacks legitimate standards, is completely arbitrary, capricious and given to coercive, secretive, vengeful and controlling employer tactics, which by definition need only be based on an employer’s whimsical and unethical “will”.

American freedom, liberty – our whole way of life – necessitates responsible and virtuous conduct. A person’s word and/or handshake should be enough to conduct business. To our detriment – integrity, honor, propriety and just plain honesty have become outmoded business concepts, affecting not only the business/customer relationship, but also the employer/employee relationship.

When simple trust is absent, or unwise, businesses (employers) have long recognized the wisdom and benefits, as needed, of contracts. All terms, conditions, expectations, standards, compensations, penalties, bonuses, etc. are clearly spelled out for those doing business, offering protection and recourse to all parties involved. If good for businesses, customers and employers – why is it not also good for employees…? To say it is not, is dishonest and does violence to reason.

For America to regain the values and practices that made her morally and commercially great, employers and employees alike need to be re-educated and re-introduced to concepts such as honesty, loyalty, justice, fairness, propriety, honor, integrity, virtue and yes, even patriotism.

Remember: If your religion is wrong, you go to Hell. If your politics are wrong, your country goes to Hell.


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