Monday, August 31, 2009

Tar and Feather Them

Most Party Affiliated Politicians are nothing but a bunch of unprincipled, double-dealing, duplicitous dolts. They think only of themselves and their parties, and preserving their positions of power & prestige, while thinking nothing about the Constitution they hypocritically swear to protect and defend! They will say, or do, anything to get elected or re-elected and are about as concerned over their constituents... as a fox is over the contents of the henhouse. Their sole interest, despite their condescending, pretentious and bombastic platitudes, is about what directly benefits them and what future benefits they can pocket while playing the “devoted public servant” game. Devoted public servants, Ha!

They are the enemy, playing the American people,YOU and me, as suckers. P.T. Barnum is their high priest! They pose, and are, the single most serious threat to American liberty and freedom, more than anything or anyone else!

Recently, some Americans have been criticized for how they treated their “representatives” in local town hall meetings. These Americans actually had the audacity to raise their voices and show anger at what Congress and the President were doing to the Country. Could it be that after decades of being ignored, these Americans were saying “We're mad as Hell and we're not going to take it anymore!”...? About time!

You'll notice politicians are now listening... running scared, running away, taking cover, but listening. Maybe they would listen even better if instead of just raising our voices, one or more of them were taken outside, stripped, tarred and feathered , given a Civics 101 lesson on how to lawfully function under the Constitution and then run out of town on a rail...? They could then pass the lesson learned along to their friends. (A full color picture account would be provided them.) Just a... thought.


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