"Man's Free Will"... Is Sacrilege
There apparently is in the world and the Church today a great amount of confusion over the so-called “free-will” of man, especially concerning salvation and coming to know God.
This confusion stems primarily from the anthropocentric Arminian character of today’s congregations and clergy, and the correspondingly confused gospel being preached.
Instead of properly presenting the Gospel as an efficacious proclamation of grace, mercy and love bestowed upon God’s chosen, the gospel is twisted, distorted and wrongly portrayed as an exercise of human intellect and persuasion requiring man-generated faith (man’s contribution) and a free-will decision to accept or reject.
Martin Luther correctly penned, “If any man doth ascribe aught of salvation, even the very least, to the free-will of man, he knoweth nothing of grace, and he hath not learnt Jesus Christ aright.”
The cry is then heard: “But without free-will, man is a robot!” But then, who is man to criticize God? Will what is formed say to Him that formed it, why have you made me like this?
Whether it be from ignorance or deliberation, the general betrayal of the doctrine of Grace, coupled with the clergy’s preaching of a seeker sensitive, humanistic version of grace, with it’s false reliance on man’s “free-will”, is not only heresy, but the seedbed of spiritual confusion in the Church today.
Any serious student of Scripture must conclude with C.H. Spurgeon when he wrote: “It has already been proved beyond all controversy that free-will is nonsense… There never was a man who came to Christ for eternal life… for spiritual life, who had not already received it…”
God makes - has already made - the all-important decision regarding a person’s salvation. Abandoning the doctrine of God’s sovereignty in election and predestination for the secular humanistic invention of “free-will”… is sacrilege.
Written 12/2005
This confusion stems primarily from the anthropocentric Arminian character of today’s congregations and clergy, and the correspondingly confused gospel being preached.
Instead of properly presenting the Gospel as an efficacious proclamation of grace, mercy and love bestowed upon God’s chosen, the gospel is twisted, distorted and wrongly portrayed as an exercise of human intellect and persuasion requiring man-generated faith (man’s contribution) and a free-will decision to accept or reject.
Martin Luther correctly penned, “If any man doth ascribe aught of salvation, even the very least, to the free-will of man, he knoweth nothing of grace, and he hath not learnt Jesus Christ aright.”
The cry is then heard: “But without free-will, man is a robot!” But then, who is man to criticize God? Will what is formed say to Him that formed it, why have you made me like this?
Whether it be from ignorance or deliberation, the general betrayal of the doctrine of Grace, coupled with the clergy’s preaching of a seeker sensitive, humanistic version of grace, with it’s false reliance on man’s “free-will”, is not only heresy, but the seedbed of spiritual confusion in the Church today.
Any serious student of Scripture must conclude with C.H. Spurgeon when he wrote: “It has already been proved beyond all controversy that free-will is nonsense… There never was a man who came to Christ for eternal life… for spiritual life, who had not already received it…”
God makes - has already made - the all-important decision regarding a person’s salvation. Abandoning the doctrine of God’s sovereignty in election and predestination for the secular humanistic invention of “free-will”… is sacrilege.
Written 12/2005
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