Liberals are DANGEROUS to America
Liberal thought and philosophy is marked by an intellectual slothfulness that defies rational explanation. Apart from mental illness, attached to an elitist, arrogant and duplicitous ideology, you cannot logically explain why liberals embrace the destructive philosophies they do. They are devoid of logic, reason and what used to be common sense. They are, in a word, dangerous - dangerous to American liberty, dangerous to American freedom and dangerous to the preservation of the Constitution and the American way of life.
Operationally liberals practice nearly zero integrity while publishing an abundance of specious articles allegedly “making their point”. By shear persistence they try to wear people down. They are not constrained by, nor dissuaded by, inconveniences like truth; they simply ignore truth and press on. No thinking is necessary, no research, no work, no stress, no confusion – just spew forth the liberal dogma and all is well.
(Part of Letter To The Editor 5/2009)
Operationally liberals practice nearly zero integrity while publishing an abundance of specious articles allegedly “making their point”. By shear persistence they try to wear people down. They are not constrained by, nor dissuaded by, inconveniences like truth; they simply ignore truth and press on. No thinking is necessary, no research, no work, no stress, no confusion – just spew forth the liberal dogma and all is well.
(Part of Letter To The Editor 5/2009)
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