Friday, March 05, 2010

SKOCH... so far

After searching out information on those seeking to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives here in the 3rd District, my initial screening process has revealed only one candidate that qualifies – retired Brigadier General Bernie Skoch.

I want a person of proven ability... which is possessed by several of the candidates.

What I did NOT want is someone with a sense of entitlement or a political opportunist... or politicians that have been too long on the wrong side of important issues. That eliminated better than half of the field.

I definitely do NOT want a lawyer... someone who is trained to live in shades of grey, can speak out of both sides of their mouth at the same time and who is schooled in the principle of the law being a “game”. Lawyers have long since lost sight of the pursuit of Justice and Truth... while playing their “games”. Lawyers have also wrongly embraced a system of “precedent”... which basically says that if a legal mistake is made, it should be made over, and over, and over again.

Don't get me wrong... I like lawyers... some of my friends are lawyers... but lawyers need to be employed only for a specific legal task at hand, not governing those of us who still believe in and understand justice and truth... and a few other absolutes beyond lawyers comprehension.

What I really want... is a candidate who is capable of handling the position... someone who is willing and able to stand toe-to-toe with domestic enemies of the Constitution... and beat them... without compromising principle. Someone who will maintain his or her integrity... and who understands and lives according to honor.

I also want someone who is running… reluctantly… out of a sense of necessity and duty, rather than just wanting to move up the political ladder or for status improvement.

So far... it's retired Brig. Gen. Bernie Skoch."

Check him out:


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