Friday, October 02, 2009

Congressman John Boozman - DON'T FORGET WHAT HE DID!

When I ran against Congressman John Boozman in 2004 for the U.S. Congress I did so as an Independent who wanted to see the U.S. Constitution once again the highest law of the land. I was tired of seeing John and his cronies butcher the Constitution on nearly a daily basis, all in the name of the “greater good” with public policy being determined, not according to the Constitution, but according to what made the legislators and their constituents “feel good”. Congress was proving, over and over again, the words of philosopher and educator, Bertrand Russell: "There is no nonsense so errant that it cannot be made the creed of the vast majority by adequate governmental action."

Legislating for fear of rightful and just consequences, Congressman Boozman and others have now forced their constituents to bail out irresponsible, extravagant billion dollar businesses. Where does the Constitution enumerate that as a proper function of the federal government? Congressman Boozman’s vote in favor of the bailout is, at best, a betrayal of his oath of office and the public trust. America has been tilting towards socialism for many years now. Congressman Boozman has now voted to imbed and institutionalize socialistic principles within accepted congressional function and practice.

Failing to represent his constituents and failing to adhere to the Constitution, Boozman chose instead to support an errant and dangerous unconstitutional action. This no mere mistake, this is a gross failure of integrity and a complete departure from the principles he once said he had.

And make no mistake: This is not about rescuing the American economy and helping the people of the US; it is all about privileged elites, rescuing other privileged elites.

"The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office." - Will Rogers

Please, don’t forget.

(Letter To The Editor 10/2008)


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