Thursday, April 01, 2010

Gunner DeLay's Lying Response and My Answer

[First paragraph and scripture was written by the individual who forwarded what she was given.]

At Robin's request last night at choir, I am sending these remarks. These were forwarded to me right after Dale's first remarks, but I never received them. It was my request that Gunner call Dale privately on this. Nevertheless, I am forwarding as I received them this morning and had promised to do so.

"This is my commandment that ye love one another, that your joy may be full."

From: Gunner DeLay
Subject: Dale Morfey e-mail
Cc: rdelay04@yahoo. com
Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 2:43 PM

Dear friends,

I know each of you recently an e-mail from my one time friend Dale Morfey. I first met Dale when I was a young lawyer and he asked me to sue Joycelyn Elders for violating the Political Practices law. I took the case all the way to the Arkansas Supreme Court without charging him a dime.

I also handled another suit for him, free of charge, to obtain abortion information from a local hospital. (experience has taught me to charge even good Christian brothers)

I later did some personal legal work for him at well below the market rate.

When I left the prosecutor's office I came back to work at my old law firm and Dale's daughter was working for us. Unfortunately, we had to lay her off and Dale became very upset with us because of this. I explained that the decision was out of my hands but he was still upset.

The other day when we had an open house for the campaign, Dale came by, not to pat me on the back or say that he would be praying for me and my family but to attack me in front of my guests and try to cause me embarassment.

We all know Dale and we all know his style, but I was particularly hurt that he would treat me this way considering our history together.

I hope those of you who know me will call if you have any questions about where I stand on the issues and I'm also sorry that Dale has decided to take out his frustration in such a destructive way.



I find Gunner's remarks... to be indicative of a defense lawyer with a guilty client, doing his best to slice and dice the truth in order to muddy the waters, deflect and redirect... all in order for the client to avoid being held rightfully accountable for the clients wrongdoing.

They say there is no greater fool... than a lawyer who has himself as a client. They are correct.

Everything I communicated about Gunner's behavior is the truth. http://nwaindepende nt.blogspot. com/

What he has maliciously responded with... is a contemptible distortion of the truth (half-lies), mixed with even more contemptible and hurtful outright lies.

If Gunner will resort to these unprincipled tactics here, what will he be willing to do after being exposed to the corrupting influences of Congress and Washington D.C. ...?

People who know me, know that I speak the truth... and apparently Gunner has forgotten what truth is. I find Gunner's feigned sorrow over the incident... repulsive. Gunner is merely engaged in political damage control... while trying to play his supporters as fools.

Please don't be fooled.




Blogger Dale Morfey said...

Gunner will not personally contact me, because he knows I have told the truth.

12:27 PM  

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