In order to fully address the recent attack upon my character by Gunner Delay on 04/01/10, I have been encouraged to respond on a charge-by-charge basis to things said by Gunner in the following email... in order to bring the conversation back to a factual and truthful context. On 4/1/10 I issued a general reply, but some still have questions as to whom to believe... something undoubtedly sought and calculated by Gunner, the politician, as necessary to damage control.
Gunner's email is in
RED with my [responses] following the individual charges/lies contained in the email. If you have not gotten the emails as they have happened, the whole incident is covered in detail at:
http://nwaindependent.blogspot. com/
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From: Gunner DeLay
Subject: Dale Morfey e-mail
Cc: rdelay04@yahoo. com
Date: Friday, March 12, 2010, 2:43 PM
Dear friends,
I know each of you recently an e-mail from my one time friend Dale Morfey. I first met Dale when I was a young lawyer and he asked me to sue Joycelyn Elders for violating the Political Practices law. I took the case all the way to the Arkansas Supreme Court without charging him a dime. [ As the President of the Westark Christian Action Council, I approached Jerry Cox of Little Rock with the idea to oppose Bill Clinton's appointment of Joycelyn Elders and was ultimately asked by Jerry to do so. As is the case with most Pro-Life Christian ministries, we both had a lot of moral support, but little financial support. I turned to local lawyers that I knew and asked if they would represent the WCAC, pro bono, in seeking prosecution of Elders under the Arkansas Political Practices Act... they all refused. A friend I was working with found out what I was trying to do and suggested I contact his friend, Gunner DeLay, a young, new attorney. I did and Gunner agreed to do the work pro bono with WCAC paying only for expenses - which we did. This was a reputation building event for Gunner. The experience and free publicity was extensive. Maybe Gunner needs to be reminded that as a volunteer leader, I was not being paid either. ]
I also handled another suit for him, free of charge, to obtain abortion information from a local hospital. (experience has taught me to charge even good Christian brothers) [ This, again, was done while I was in the capacity of Chairman of the WCAC and was an agreed upon pro bono representation by Gunner, with the WCAC paying for all expenses. And, again, Gunner's reputation was expanded through continued exposure in the press. Hardly a valueless undertaking by a young attorney. No doubt - this brought Gunner to the attention of many conservatives in our area. ]
I later did some personal legal work for him at well below the market rate. [ On personal work I have always paid what I have been billed. Gunner set the prices. IF I was given reduced rates... could it have been out of a sense of gratitude for my many volunteer hours of work in his multiple campaigns... or his gratitude of my financial contributions to his campaigns? ]
When I left the prosecutor's office I came back to work at my old law firm and Dale's daughter was working for us. Unfortunately, we had to lay her off and Dale became very upset with us because of this. I explained that the decision was out of my hands but he was still upset. [ I find this reference and inference particularly distasteful and I only am saying anything about this because Gunner chose to bring it up. - I was actually quite happy over our daughter leaving - because of the working conditions. What I found disappointing, but had set aside because of our friendship, was that Gunner was unwilling to truthfully address an abusive and hostile work environment. Such things happening within his own legal practice is not something that should be tolerated by someone who claims to have the character necessary to represent others in Congress. ]
The other day when we had an open house for the campaign, Dale came by, not to pat me on the back or say that he would be praying for me and my family but to attack me in front of my guests and try to cause me embarassment. [ Except for the fact of my being there, Gunner's statement is an outright lie. I asked to speak with Gunner in private but he assured me that those present (campaign staff) could listen. I even stopped talking when another approached, but was told by Gunner that it was OK. I spoke in very quiet terms, so as to not be overheard, and it was Gunner who ultimately turned our meeting into a spectacle. For a factual account - Please go to: http://nwaindependent.blogspot. com/ "Pursuing Status Over Service, Has Ruined Many A Person"]
We all know Dale and we all know his style, but I was particularly hurt that he would treat me this way considering our history together. [ Feigned hurt and injury. Gunner's conduct at the scene was a far cry from showing him to be hurt... and a far cry from his acknowledging our friendship. It was precisely the contrary. ]
I hope those of you who know me will call if you have any questions about where I stand on the issues and I'm also sorry that Dale has decided to take out his frustration in such a destructive way. [ Feigned sorrow... a lawyers duplicitous way of trying to garner a sympathetic ear. Gunner's only regret is that his conduct is being accurately and truthfully exposed. For THAT and that alone... I am sure he is sorrowful. ]